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THIS PLACE MATTERS does your support

The work of preserving the character of a community's historic downtown calls for focused dedication, passion, and partnership.  Everyone benefits from an attractive space packed with genuine history, cultural destinations, great businesses, and terrific people. 


Since 2002, Crawfordsville Main Street has had the unique mission of serving and promoting our city's truly special Commercial Historic District.  Efforts are made possible by Your Gifts, and it works!  In Indiana, for every $1 invested in a Main Street Program, $56 in benefits are returned, earning Main Street the reputation as one of the most powerful economic revitalization tools in the nation.


Economic Vitality, Promotion, Design, Organization - It's what we do, because of you.

Every gift makes a difference!

Your partnership helps to preserve and strengthen downtown Crawfordsville,  the "heart and soul" of our community. Learn more about our giving opportunities and memberships below this form.

Become a Member


Please scroll down to see all our options

Crawfordsville Main Street Program, Inc is a federally recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization, certified to do business in the State of Indiana since 2002. Fed ID #61-1408027. Donations to Crawfordsville Main Street may qualify for income tax deduction. Check with your tax preparer.

MCCF logo


By making a donation to the Crawfordsville Main Street Fund at the Montgomery County Community Foundation (MCCF).


A $25 gift helps with a social media ad; a $50 Family Membership keeps colorful hanging baskets on a downtown light pole each year; A $100 gift helps with the purchase of historic preservation education materials.

$25 - $50 - $100


A $250 Sustaining Membership keeps the Marie Canine Plaza fountain running during the summer, purchase event materials or new U.S. flags for downtown.  You will be featured on Main Street's list of Sustaining Members on our website.



These donations help cover annual costs for Downtown Party Night/Small Business Saturday.  Your business will be listed on Main Street's list of Small Business Members on our website.

$50 - $100

Interested in becoming an annual Main Street Sponsor?

Support for downtown progress sends a strong message to your customers that investment in the life of Crawfordsville's core historic district strengthens the entire community.

Corporate sponsorship opportunities available at Gateway, Cornerstone, and Keystone levels.

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